Archive for the ‘Hair’ Category

Hey everyone!! It’s been a long time since I posted here. I took a break from game dev for a while to focus more on work and studies for my regular career. Still doing that, but I’m also doing the game now. Anyways, upon starting gamedev again, I made some big changes. I was reaching […]

Hey everyone! Here’s a new level.  It’s got terrain sections separated by indoor base sections.  I’ve been using it for everything lately. Here are some changes I made today.  I’ll probably work on the game later tonight but I have some stuff to do first.  Anyways, this is what I did this morning and afternoon: […]

Hey everyone! I’ve been really busy lately with work and studying for career exams, but I’ve also been working on a few areas of the game.  I started on an update video, but that always takes me a long time, so I’ll just write about stuff for now and make a video when I have […]