Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hey all! So this is a huge update! Terra Melior has been completely revamped into two games!! SWORD IOWNIT – a boss-only challenge game for Dark Souls fans. It’s about conquering boss battles that represent different fears and anxieties. Releasing Summer 2017. Here’s the website! THE FIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS – a shorter, goofier game to […]

Thanks to some great advice from many people, I’ve made the trailer shorter, and more action packed.  I also made the graphics and animations better. Now it’s time to write reviewers/press and get to work on the Kickstarter demo!



Hey all! I finally finished the new trailer!! After doing the recording for the trailer, I started work on an old favorite boss – GARY the Ice Golem. It’s funny how amazing I thought his animations were.  So now I’m going through each one and adding weight to them.  I’ll also update the model. I […]

As you can see, it’s a very different game now.  Everything’s more immediate, and feels SO much smoother to play.  Lots of things are disabled (procedural animation, guns, magic…), but I’m adding them in one at a time and making sure they fit with the new combat. I also made some more custom shaders for […]



Hey all! I’ve been very busy with other stuff, but I’m still working on the game when I have time.  Here are some of the changes: I upgraded to Unity5! I made a new PBR shader for the mountains.  It adds snow and ice automatically, and used modified Triplanar texturing for the rocks.  The basic […]



Hey all! Good news. Mammoths. Here’s a video: I finally figured out how to add colliders to their legs and tusks that also push the player away. So the player can finally run underneath bosses! It’s a little jerky right now though. The green areas are the rigidbody colliders. They have to be very tall […]

I’ve been working on some shaders that add snow automatically.  At first it was for background buildings in the distance, but I improved their quality so they could be used for spaceports such as this one: (Click images for a closer look)     Yes, it’s snowing in space 😀 In the picture below, you can […]

Hey all! Here’s a quick look at the new player armor!  But first, some action shots with a new heavy version of the DevilSeeker monster!  As you can see, the player is not doing well, and has lots of blood stains on her armor. The player got pushed away in this next picture – so […]

Hey all! Aside from my other work, I’ve mostly been making drastic changes to the code.  I’m revamping the control system.  More natural movement!  Five weapon slots!  (All are still shown on character when not equipped) Anyways, I also made an alien spacecraft today.  Definitely increasing the cheesiness of this game 😀 It’s intentionally low-poly. […]

Props to Lisa Sidoran for the vocals and lyrics!  She’s amazing! Our next goal is making a better demo.  The mechanics are pretty good, but there are lots of easy things we can do to make it feel more like a game, and less like a tech demo. Anyways, I’m off to speedrun Dark Souls, […]